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Love, Food Podcast

This is the podcast I've been listening to lately, specifically on my morning drives to CrossFit. Led by Julie Duffy Dillon, RDN, the Love, Food podcast is in the form of readers' letters written to food — yes, the readers actually begin with "Dear Food." All the questions are so relatable, and Julie calls on fellow experts to help answer the readers' questions. Some examples are how to be OK with gaining weight with intuitive eating, dealing with feeling embarrassed about having struggles with food, and how to control eating out of anger or sadness; it's so helpful and informative.

This podcast is easy to listen to, and I always feel like I learned a tidbit or tip to help understand my history with dieting and improve my relationship with food.

Episodes I love:

  • Episode 122: I Think About Food All Day Long
  • Episode 128: I'm Afraid of Relapse While Raising My Kids
  • Episode 134: Why Hasn't Intuitive Eating Made Me Thin?