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Legs Up the Wall

"Legs Up The Wall is an excellent pose to relax tight low backs and hamstrings, as well as to 'wind down' with at the end of a busy day," said Heather Larivee, a Kripalu-certified yoga teacher and CEO of wellness and management consulting company Sparkflo. "It's considered a restorative pose because your body receives the benefits of the pose without having to work for them."

  • Place a folded bolster, blanket, or pillow against a wall.
  • Sit down as close as you can to the wall next to the blanket. Lie down on your back, place your feet on the wall with your knees bent, and scoot your body over so that your bottom and lower back are on the blanket.
  • Adjust your body so that your butt is touching the wall and then place your feet straight up, resting your heels on the wall. You can keep your arms by your sides, or rest your palms underneath your head.
  • Close you eyes and allow your entire body to relax, feeling gravity pulling you down as the wall and blanket support you.
  • Hold like this for several minutes or longer.