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How I Looked After My Glutes Burned Two Exercises Into This Workout

This took me a little over 20 minutes to complete, and I used a timer on my phone for the 30-second intervals. Doing three sets of each exercise was definitely harder than I thought it would be, even when alternating between legs. The moves that focussed more on my side glutes (aka, glute medius) like the supported hip dip to fire hydrant and kneeling side leg lifts were the most challenging for me. They burned so much that I felt like someone was taking a hammer to my glutes.

That brings me to another point: though Alicia said this would work your glutes and core, I felt it in my glutes more. But those side plank moves I did have my obliques heating up. If I had done the side elbow plank circles with both legs off the ground like Alicia had indicated for a harder exercise, I probably would have had more of an oblique burn (they also, by the way, targeted my hamstrings and quads a ton). It's hard to keep your stability intact, too, when you're holding those planks and doing kicks at the same time — which is why having one knee on the ground helps.

Ultimately, this workout was an intense glute burn in a short amount of time, and it had the added bonus of challenging my core stability at times. I have one tip: for those single-leg kneeling half squats, you might want to put a towel under your knee if your workout mat is thin. I will definitely, moving forward, incorporate some of these exercises into my fitness routine because the booty burn — accurately described as a booty blaze — says it all.