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How to Reduce Stomach Cellulite

"The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has reviewed a number of techniques that may be successful in reducing the appearance of cellulite by breaking up the bands of connective tissue under the skin's surface," said Dr. King. "If I were to choose the techniques that I believe are most likely to produce results, I would choose laser treatment, subcision, or vacuum-assisted precise tissue release," which the AAD also recommends, but these are invasive and expensive, so they're not an option for most people.

Dr. Katz. reiterated that cellulite is nothing to be ashamed of, but if you're self-conscious about it, there are are a few simple lifestyle choices you can make to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Losing weight is one way to reduce stomach cellulite. Although you can't spot reduce fat from your belly, lowering your overall body fat percentage will help you get leaner, including in your stomach.

Image Source: Getty / South_agency