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Don't Base Your Weight-Loss Progress Solely on Scale Numbers

Even if you're losing fat, the numbers on the scale may not be going down if your muscle is increasing, Berkow said. "It's essential to measure your body composition, not just total weight, when you're losing weight. You want to make sure that muscle stays the same or goes up while fat goes down," she specified. Visually, you'll see a reduction in fat, King noted, and on the other hand you'll be developing muscle too, which is more dense, so you "won't necessarily see a huge change on the scale." So, instead of focusing on the scale alone, here are some progress indicators to pay attention to:

  • More lean muscle
  • Actual fat lost (inches)
  • How you feel in your clothes
  • Feeling stronger
  • Improvements to your mental health
Image Source: Unsplash / i yunmai