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Silk Ultra Unsweetened Nutritional Information

For a one-cup serving of Silk Ultra Unsweetened, it's 180 calories, which is more than twice as much as regular unsweetened soy milk. It also has nine grams of fat, one gram of saturated fat, zero cholesterol, 280 milligrams of sodium, five grams of carbs, two grams of fibre, zero grams of added sugar, and 20 grams of protein.

Another amazing feature of Silk Ultra is that it offers 130 percent of your recommended vitamin B12 — most plant milks like almond, coconut, and cashew don't offer any. It also has 35 percent of your daily calcium, 15 percent of your daily potassium and iron, 20 percent of your daily vitamin D, 25 percent of your daily vitamin A, and 30 percent of your daily riboflavin (B2).