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POPSUGAR Fitness 4-Week Full-Body Fusion: Week 3 Review

I'm 3 Weeks Into This At-Home Workout Program, and I'm Feeling Stronger Every Day

Since the beginning of the year, I've been testing out the POPSUGAR Fitness 4-Week Full-Body Fusion program, available exclusively on Glow by POPSUGAR. Now that I've completed week three, I'm officially 75 percent done . . . and 100 percent stoked on this program.

This was a heavy week compared to the previous two, and I mean that in every sense of the word. There were literally more workouts involving weights, but I love how this program built up to it. In the first week, most workouts were equipment-free until the end, then during the second week, I was able to use light weights for the most part. This week's workouts often called for medium weights, and my body was ready. Let's get right into it, shall we?

Week 3 Overview

Equipment Needed For Week 3

  • Yoga mat or soft surface
  • A set of light free weights
  • A set of medium free weights
  • Sneakers

Where I'm Working Out

Back in my living room, yet again . . . and yes, I'm still accompanied by my needy sidekick: my golden retriever, Stella. I'm using the Glow by POPSUGAR app on my Apple TV to turn my living room space into a tiny studio for one (I suppose two, counting Stella).

My Personal Goals

If you read my review from the first week, you may remember that one of my new year's resolutions was to get up earlier and have more energy. Another goal I set at the debut of my Glow journey: condition my body for a 10K I'm running at Disney World (T-minus one month until I'm running six miles!). Here's how all that's going:

  • I'm getting up earlier. Typically, if I'm on a solid workout routine, my circadian rhythm tends to be more aligned as well. I'm so happy that my body is starting to get back in sync with an earlier rise time, and I'm feeling less sluggish, too! A win all around.
  • My stamina is up. I took one additional workout class this week — a super intense barre class with a friend — and what would've usually kicked my butt felt lighter and easier. I was so proud! I also have been going on longer walks with my dog, and still feeling energized — and I did a 22,000-step day at Disneyland and didn't feel dead at the end. I think my stamina is really improving and I feel stronger, too!
  • I feel good! I'm not too sore to keep going, and that (to me) is a seriously solid indicator that a program is going well. These short workouts — none more than 45 minutes — are challenging, but I'm not destroyed. I never feel too sore or tired from even the toughest ones.

How It Went

Day 15: Full-Body Knockout Workout with Christa DiPaolo

The longest workout of the week (40 minutes) was actually super fun. I love how Christa's boxing workouts feel a bit dance-inspired at times. To me, boxing really can feel choreographed, and this workout had that rhythmic, choreographic style that I love. (What I didn't love? One-arm froggers. I was glad we ended shortly after those!)

There was a five-minute warmup and five-minute cooldown built into this workout, so it ended up being a 30-minute workout with 10 minutes of acclimating your body in either direction. Christa really emphasises recovery, which I've appreciated every single week. Quote of the week: "Ninjas need to take a break, too!"

Day 16: Arm and Ab Workout With Weights With Raneir Pollard

My arms! I always joke that I have the upper body strength of a baby bird, so I shake in my boots a little when I see the words "arm," "workout," and "weights," but my little wings are definitely stronger after this session with Raneir.

This half-hour workout started with Raneir saying I needed light and medium weights and "a great attitude," so I knew I had to put my game face on immediately. It turns out, I didn't need to be afraid at all. I definitely broke a sweat (and really used my abs), but it was at a great pace — including a five-minute warmup and cooldown — and I got through the whole thing without feeling like I was dying.

Day 17: Ab Workout With Jake Dupree

This 10-minute workout — yes, 10 minutes! — started off strong with the Pilates "hundreds," which is something I've become quite familiar with over the years, but somehow it's still just as challenging today as it was when I first became acquainted. In fact, a lot of this felt really Pilates inspired, and I loved it. I do a lot of these moves regularly with my Pilates trainer, but those classes are $30-$100! What a steal.

Day 18: Dance Cardio Workout With Amanda Kloots

Short, sweet, and just what the doctor ordered mid-week! Nothing like getting through Wednesday with a quick dance break. Twenty minutes with Amanda Kloots is truly like a double shot of espresso. She wastes no time, and gets into the energy-packed session within seconds. You're also sweating within seconds.

Day 19: Heavy-Weight Workout With Christa DiPaolo

I saw the words "heavy-weight" and gasped, but realised I skimmed right over the fact that this workout is just 15 minutes. I sighed a breath of relief. That said, the chest presses honestly killed me — I may have been cursing under my breath when it got to that part! Note: this workout has the five-minute warmup and cooldown videos from previous weeks to go with it. They're great.

Day 20: Full-Body Workout With Weights With Raneir Pollard

Getting my butt kicked for 35 minutes was a great way to end the week, because I was so ready for that rest day. We did some deadlifts yesterday with Christa, and we were back again today with more deadlifts, so my glutes were really feeling it.

It's really important in these exercises to have the right weight for your dumbbells; this means they should be heavy enough to actually make a difference and make the moves count, but not so heavy that you lose form. This is a tougher thing to gauge without a trainer, so if you're a beginner, err on the side of lighter until you're certain your form is solid (and your back doesn't hurt when you're doing deadlifts!).

Even though this workout was tough, I love laughing through these videos with Raneir; he is hilarious!

Day 21: Rest

I definitely should have rested on this day, but a friend of mine I hadn't seen in a while really wanted to go to barre. I went with her and was worried I'd be too tired or sore, but I actually felt great. Thanks, Full-Body Fusion!

End-of-Week Thoughts

Koya! Where are you?! I missed yoga this week. I guess you don't know what you've got until it's gone, right? Kidding. Though I did miss my weekly yoga session with Koya Webb, I don't know where they would've fit it in, and this was a well-paced, well-structured week of workouts. I suppose I could've done one of the past two weeks' videos in lieu of barre . . .

Anyway! We used weights a lot more this week, and that was tougher of course, but some of the workouts were a little shorter (10-minute abs, 20-minute dance), and I think that brought a lot of balance to the week yet again. I love how this program teaches you that you really can fit a workout — and an effective workout, at that! — into any kind of schedule, anywhere.

So yes, again I loved the pace, the energy, the trainers, and the ability to do all of this on my own schedule at home. We're in the home stretch — onto the final week!

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