Birthday Cake-Flavoured 3 Musketeers Are Hitting Walmart Shelves This Month, and OMG

06/10/2018 - 12:31 AM
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Is it my birthday? No, but it sure feels like it because I just found out that 3 Musketeers is releasing a birthday cake flavour! The sweet new chocolate bars are set to hit Walmart shelves in October, and then they'll be available everywhere in January, according to Candy Hunting [3]. Believe it or not, this is the first new flavour from 3 Musketeers since 2012's Coconut. The chocolate candy bar with a light and airy nougat filling is certainly delicious on its own, but the sugary, vanilla-y birthday cake flavour will totally take it up a notch. Look out for the fun packageing, and consider this a gift to us all.

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