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Problem: Not Accommodating Daily Habits and Chores

If you put off doing the laundry until someone runs out of clean underpants, can't get a grip on the overflowing pile of post in the entryway, or delay paying the bills until the last second, then odds are your design is making these unpleasant chores even harder to accomplish. It may sound crazy to say that interior design can impact your ability to get unpleasant household tasks done, but Jessica says it absolutely can.

"Design your space in a way that makes those mundane activities more efficient. Getting things done easier and quicker is definitely a way to make them more enjoyable." And when you're able to do something easily and right away, you're more likely to do it.

The Solution:

So how can you go about doing this? Jessica says the first step is to pay attention to your normal home habits and routines. Once you recognise what they are, you can arrange your home around how you naturally do things rather than trying to change your habits to fit some impractical organisation plan you'll never stick to, even if that impractical plan is Pinterest-level pretty. "Trying to change an ingrained habit hardly ever works!"

The next step is to examine the reasons you hate a certain activity, and then find easy ways to address those reasons. "For example, do you hate doing laundry because the utility room feels dark? Invest in more lighting sources or a skylight to brighten up the space," Jessica explained. "Maybe you're simply bored when folding clothes. The answer could be as simple as adding a small TV or purchasing an iPad stand to watch Homes Under the Hammer. Having a better attitude not only makes these tasks more fun, it does wonders for your attitude, which affects the energy in your whole home!"