This Video Shares 5 Tips Explaining How to Be a Better Ally to the Black Community

As powerful protests against police brutality continue to take over the streets of major cities [1] across the country, we should all be doing our part to stay informed [2] and take action to address systems of injustice [3]. In a reminder that confronting racism and white privilege is not a new problem, comedian and activist Franchesca Ramsey resurfaced a video she created in 2014 sharing five tips for becoming a better ally to the Black community. Her video is included in writer and academic Rachel Cargle's 30-Day #DoTheWork course [4], and Franchesca reshared the video on Instagram [5] this week.

"Lots of people are grappling with how to talk about what's happening in our country, commit to being actively anti-racist & support #BlackLivesMatter, and Rachel's free course is a great place to start," Ramsey said in her caption.

"Imagine your friend is building a house and they ask you to help but you've never built a house before," Ramsey said in the video. "So it would probably be a good idea for you to put on some protective gear and listen to the person in charge; otherwise, someone's gonna get seriously hurt. It's the exact same idea when it comes to being an ally . . . Saying you're an ally is not enough. You've gotta do the work." She then went on to share her five tips, including helping white people understand their own white privilege [6] and how to move forward and apologise if they make a mistake.

In the video description box on her YouTube video, Ramsey also added several resources to help those who want to learn more about how to be a good ally, including lessons about privilege [7], how to be a better friend, and resources on how to embrace white antiracism [8]. "I'm flattered and proud that it continues to speak to so many," Ramsey added. Watch the full video here.

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