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Follow Your State's Legislative Session

When I was thinking about how to be more politically active, I thought about how it seems like local politics often have a bigger effect on my day-to-day life than the big national efforts that get most of the news coverage. So, I decided to start paying attention to how local laws are made by tuning in during my state's legislative session.

I live in a state where the legislature meets for just 45 days every year, always starting in January, and this year was the first time I paid attention. I read lots of news during that time, and even found a podcast that followed along. I discovered I could make an account on my state legislature's website and look up legislation that was being considered during the session. I also found out who my representatives are, and sent several emails (more on that later).

I learned a lot about my state during this process. I used to be a public school teacher, and I've had some struggles with depression, so education and access to mental health care are probably the two issues I care the most about. I was surprised to find out these issues are actually quite popular across my state, with legislators introducing bills to try to improve both. I also learned that, unfortunately, there is also a lot of legislation that isn't using the time and resources of that 45-day period to actually make the lives of citizens better.

Overall, following the session helped me learn a ton about local politics, and made me want to become more and more involved in future sessions. Try it yourself if you're looking for a way to start!