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Pink Tins Contain Indica

The weed that comes in the pink tins contain indica, which is known for its full-body effects, increasing deep relaxation, and reducing insomnia, according to Healthline. This is the weed you smoke when it's time to wind down. Houseplant said, "We love an indica when it comes to unwinding at the end of the day and are always testing new strains that deliver maximum relaxation. No matter how you like to kick back, know that a Houseplant indica has been curated by Seth and Evan to provide a smooth, warm, and calming experience."

Any cannabis products referenced above are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The writer is not a medical doctor, and their experience is based on personal use, the results of which may not be typical or intended. The legality of cannabis products varies by state, and readers are encouraged to check their local laws before purchasing and using cannabis products. Nothing in this article should be construed as advice regarding the legal status of cannabis products. Any views expressed in this article by a third-party sponsor are those of such sponsor, and do not necessarily represent the views of POPSUGAR.