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  • I can already tell what the vibe is for this show when 20-year-old Chloe opens the first episode by saying she isn't "the brightest spark in the book." Regardless of how confident you are in yourself, I promise there's never a reason to call yourself stupid. The world is filled with people who are more than ready to tear you down and they do not to need your help.
  • Sharron majored in Women and Gender Studies, which was apparently great help for learning how to pick up women. A ton of men in fedoras just took furious notes.
  • I am truly sorry for all the people who will be getting photos featuring air freshener cans after this.
  • Really want to know where Harry gets his seemingly endless animal nicknames from, but I'm also terrified to learn the answer. Naughty Little Possum is forever engraved in my brain.
  • Imagine the level of commitment it takes to wear a hat, harem pants, and a tunic to a tropical paradise.
  • I would love to learn how production advertised this show to people. I'm guessing "sex-filled paradise" was the general gist because these might be the horniest people I've ever seen on television.
  • Wow, three Black people and no other visible persons of colour. We're really going hard to make reality TV more diverse.
  • I want to say that David is overconfident with his belief of British accents basically being catnip in America but . . . Mama didn't raise a liar.
  • I would be surprised at how quickly people paired up, but it's obvious that everyone's trying to get it in ASAP. They're all going to regret taking their time when they realise they won't be able to do much more than cuddling.
  • Maybe I've watched way too many horror films, but I would have been terrified out of my mind when Lana randomly began speaking. That's usually the part of the movie where people start dying.
  • See, Sharron gets it!!
  • Okay, I know these people have been hit with some shocking news, but the look of sheer devastation on their faces when they learn they can't have sex is *chef's kiss*. Some people live without it for free, guys!
Image Source: Netflix