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Butt Exercises With Weight

Strengthen and Sculpt Your Butt With These 11 Trainer-Approved Exercises

When it comes to training, I believe in taking a full-body approach. What I mean by this is that you should train every muscle group, focus on proper movement patterns, and strengthen any imbalances you may have. Depending on your goals, you may spend more on a specific style of training. For example, a sprinter will more than likely do more strength and explosive lifting sessions along with track workouts, whereas a swimmer may focus more on their cardiovascular endurance with weights dispersed throughout their program.

I could spend all day talking about my theories on training, but that's not what you're here for. You're here because you want to find out what moves you should be doing to get a stronger, fuller butt. Ahead are a handful of my favourite moves that will work your booty and various muscle groups in your legs. As I stated earlier, take a 360 approach and train your entire body, not just your booty. This is 100 percent not a workout, so don't do all these moves in one session. That would feel pretty bad. Instead, choose two to four different moves (don't just do all deadlifts or all lunges), and add them to your lower-body and/or total-body workouts.

Also, I'm not a registered dietitian, but if you're trying to build muscle (that's how you get a bigger butt), you've got to make sure you're eating enough food. Here's what a registered dietitian says you should be eating to build muscle. You'll also want to get enough sleep; seven to nine hours a night is optimal. Now, without further ado, the exercises you should be doing for a firm and strong butt.

1. Leg Press

  • Before getting started, add weight to the machine. 10 - 15 kilogram plates on each side is a good starting point. If this is too heavy or too light feel free to adjust the weight.
  • Sit on the seat and place your feet hips-width apart on the footplate.
  • Once your feet are in place, press the footplate with both feet as you simultaneously disengage the safety latches on the side of the seat with your hands.
  • With your feet still on the footplate, bend your knees letting the footplate come toward your body. Once your knees are at a 90-degree angle, press the footplate up and straighten your legs. Be sure not to lock your knees.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Once you've completed a set, press the footplate and engage the safety latches.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Tamara Pridgett

2. Bulgarian Split Squat

  • Grab a pair of 5-kilogram dumbbells. Begin by placing the toes of your left foot on a bench, box, stair, or chair, with your right leg straight.
  • Make sure your right foot is out far enough so that when you lower your hips, your knee stays directly over your ankle.
  • Bend your right knee, squeeze your left glute, and lower your pelvis toward the ground.
  • Press your right heel into the ground to straighten your right knee. This completes one rep.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Tamara Pridgett

3. Glute Kickback

  • Adjust the carriage so that it's at the bottom of the cable machine. Place the ankle strap attachment around your left ankle, and then attach it to the machine. You should be facing the pulley.
  • Next, select a weight that will challenge you — 5 to 10 kilograms is a great starting point. As you begin to become more comfortable with the movement, feel free to increase the weight.
  • Step one to two feet away from the pulley, and place your hands on the frame to maintain your balance.
  • With a slight bend in your knees and your core engaged, kick your left leg back as high as it can go. Hold for one second, then return it to the starting position with control. This counts as one rep.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Tamara Pridgett

4. Goblet Squat

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width, with your toes pointed slightly out. Hold your dumbbell at chest level with both hands. Keeping your back flat, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your elbows touch your knees.
  • With your weight focused on your heels, push yourself up to the starting position to complete one rep.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography

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5. Romanian Deadlift

  • Holding the barbell (or two dumbbells at your side), keep your arms straight and knees slightly bent.
  • Slowly bend at your hip joint, not your waist, and lower the weights as far as possible without rounding your back, which should remain straight. Looking forward, not at the ground, will help you avoid rounding your back. Keep the weights close to, almost touching, your legs.
  • Squeeze your glutes to slowly pull yourself up. Be sure not to use your back or round your spine!
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography

6. Dumbbell Walking Lunge

  • Stand upright, feet together, with 5-kilogram dumbbells at your sides. Take a controlled step forward with your left leg, lowering your hips toward the floor by bending both knees to 90-degree angles. The back knee should point toward but not touch the ground, and your front knee should be directly over the ankle.
  • Press your left heel into the ground and push off with your right foot to bring your right leg forward, stepping with control into a lunge on the other side. This completes one rep.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Tamara Pridgett

7. Barbell Hip Thrust

  • Sitting on the floor with your legs extended, rest your back against a stable bench.
  • Place a towel or shoulder cushion on the bar for comfort (optional). Roll the barbell over your thighs until the bar is directly above your hip joints.
  • Brace your core. As you drive your heels into the ground, squeeze your glutes, lifting your hips up to full extension, meaning your hips are even with your knees.
  • With control, lower back down to the ground.
  • This is one rep.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Tamara Pridgett

8. Hex Bar Deadlift

  • Load the hex bar with the weight of your choice. If you're new to the move, start by just using the bar without any additional weight.
  • Stand in the centre of the hex bar with your feet hip width apart.
  • Bend at your hips and knees as you grab the handles of the hex bar. Raise your hips up slightly, keeping your back flat, to create tension in the back of your legs (your hamstrings will feel tight).
  • Keeping your back flat and shoulders relaxed, drive your heels through the ground as you stand straight up.
  • Squeeze your glutes at the top of the lift to ensure you get full hip extension.
  • Continue to grasp the handles as you lower the weight to the ground with control. Be sure to keep your chest open and your back flat. This counts as one rep.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Tamara Pridgett

9. Weighted Glute Bridge

  • Grab a medium to heavy dumbbell; 20 pounds is a great starting point. You can also do this exercise using just your bodyweight.
  • On your mat, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Be sure to keep your feet underneath your knees, not in front. Place the dumbbell on top of your lower abdominals (below your belly button and above your hip bones). Hold the dumbbell in place with both hands to prevent it from moving.
  • Raise your hips up to the ceiling, tensing your abs and squeezing your butt as you do. You should be making a long diagonal line with your body, from shoulders to knees.
  • Hold for three seconds, making sure your spine doesn't round and your hips don't sag. Keep your abs and butt muscles engaged.
  • Lower down to the ground; this is considered one rep.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Tamara Pridgett

10. Dumbbell Box Step-Up

  • Find a sturdy bench, coffee table, wooden box, or kid's chair that allows your knee to be at about a 90-degree angle or larger when you place your foot squarely on it.
  • Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand by your side (or, for a more advanced version, in the front rack position at your shoulders).
  • Step your right foot onto the box, then your left, so both feet are on top of the box.
  • Softly step the right foot back to the ground, then the left.
  • This counts as one rep.

11. Cable Machine Romanian Deadlift

  • Adjust the carriage so that it's at the bottom of the cable machine. Attach a triceps rope handle to the pulley on the carriage of a cable station. You should be facing the pulley.
  • Next, select the amount of resistance you want — 10 to 15 kilograms is a great starting point. As you begin to become more comfortable with the movement, feel free to increase the weight.
  • Facing the pulley, grab the rope, and step approximately three feet away from the machine.
  • With a slight bend in your knees, slowly bend at your hips (this is a hinge movement pattern) as you simultaneously extend your arms forward. Your core should be engaged, and your back should be flat.
  • Then squeeze your glutes to stand back up as you simultaneously pull your elbows back (like you're performing a bent-over row). Pull with power, and continue to squeeze your glutes at the top to get full hip extension. Be sure to keep your core engaged.
  • This counts as one rep.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Tamara Pridgett

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