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Hop on the "Band"wagon

The key to finely tuned work on any muscle group is isolation. Using a resistance band is a quick and effective tool to control the amount of force required to do a fitness movement in your lower leg. Hold the straps at moderate tension for a beginner workout and progress to advanced by gradually wrapping the ends of the band around your hands, creating a tighter and tighter pull during the exercise.

  • Begin in a seated position with your legs stretched and active in front of you (that means flex your toes back towards your face and ground down the backs of your legs).
  • Bend your left knees and wrap a resistance band/tube around the ball of your right foot, and adjust the tension to a challenging pull.
  • Press and pull the band back and forth using the ball of your foot, keeping your hips even, your leg grounded, and the tension constant.
  • Repeat for 15-20 reps then do the same process on the left side.

The key to success is the grounding of the working leg AND keeping your back in a straight position the entire time. Allowing a C curve to form not only weakens your core, it encourages your straight leg to bend, releasing tension and defeating the purpose of the exercise. Stay strong and stay straight to get the most of this exercise. Add this into your stretching routine once a week.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography