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Stop the "All or Nothing" BS

"Stop the 'all or nothing' bullsh*t; food has no emotions," Yiannis said. Don't see foods as good versus bad, because demonizing certain foods and making them off-limits will only make you crave them more.

Registered dietitian Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD, of Whole Health Nutrition agrees, and told POPSUGAR that "Cutting out too much" is the biggest weight-loss mistake you can make. Change your mindset to think of eating choices as "foods you should eat more or and foods you should eat less of. Simple." Choose more nutrient-dense foods and be careful with the calorie-dense, hyper-palatable foods.

Yiannis added, "Balance is essential. While it's tough to master, it's something you MUST learn if you want to make this long-term."