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Surround Yourself With Support and Positive Messages

Connect with others who are also on a journey to healing from diet culture, suggested Kirsten. You can find people on social media sharing their struggles and victories, and it's nice to be able to reach out to someone else going through the same thing, even if you've never met them in person.

Start listening to body positive, anti-diet, and intuitive eating podcasts such as Food Psych and Nutrition Matters, Kirsten suggested. The beginning of the journey to healing your relationship to food can feel overwhelming, and listening to a podcast can be gentle support in reframing your way of thinking.

Kirsten and Brenna agree that you should diversify who you follow on social media. If you're following accounts that promote a certain diet, show a lot of "before and after" photos, or show only one body type, these messages can influence us and tell us that there is a certain "look" to health. "That is a lie diet culture has taught us," Kirsten said.

"Diversifying the social media accounts you follow and seeing people with all different bodies being confident, successful, and happy can help you to challenge and bring awareness to your own assumptions and biases," Brenna said.

Image Source: Getty / Klaus Vedfelt