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Make Getting From A to B Easier and Safer

Transportation might be the last thing on your mind when it comes to planning your wedding, but Niemierko tells us that it's something he always educates his clients on, especially when considering how much alcohol is usually consumed at weddings.

"I don't think there's enough focus on transportation for guests, and that's something I really like to educate my clients on. When your guests are leaving after a day of celebrating and drinking, it's so important to ensure easily accessible transport, which also limits the chance of people drinking while potentially being over the limit. For a recent wedding, we had a fast-food shawarma station outside of the venue for guests to enjoy on their taxi journey home - it was a surprise and definitely got guests talking," he says.

"With the amount of alcohol that is typically consumed at a wedding, and one in six wedding guests admitting to driving home from a wedding over the limit, working with Direct Line has enabled me to raise awareness of drink-driving," Niemierko explains. To find out the dangers of drink driving the morning after wedding festivities, head to Direct Line.