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Fun Things For Moms to Do During the Summer

15 Fun and Selfish Things Moms Can Do When Your Kids Are at Summer Camp

Now that the frenzied last days of another school year are behind us, moms can finally exhale that those leisurely yet still pretty busy days of Summer have arrived. While you'll still be making snacks and planning outdoor outings for the whole family, you might also get a much-needed break if you're sending your kids to camp. Whether it's just day camp or overnight camp for a few weeks, that time can be essential for moms to press their reset button.

Whether it's taking up a hobby you've been thinking about for ages or recommitting to meeting old friends in the city for lunch again, push yourself out of your comfort zone and put away those tedious tasks that never seem to end. So, while your kids are away at camp making lifelong memories and having epic adventures, give yourself that same gift in whatever way you wish. But just in case you need a little inspiration, keep reading for 15 ideas to get you started. Cheers to having the best Summer ever!

Image Source: Pexels / Picjumbo.com

1. Visit a Museum by Yourself

The last time I was at a museum, there were 300 second graders tethering on the edge of anarchy as we filed from room to room. Chances are, that's true for many moms. Go spend an afternoon at the museum by yourself. You'll finally be able to learn about all the fun exhibits, and yep, it's usually nice and quiet.

2. Finally Read That Book

During the school year, you probably picked up and put down the same book dozens of times. And if you did manage to read a few pages, you were probably so distracted by your kids that you had to keep re-reading them. But now that you have a little more time to yourself, grab that book, and dive right in. Make it a point to put down your phone, and spend at least 20 minutes reading every day.

3. Go to the Beach

No toys! No sunscreen needs to applied to tiny humans! No stressful watching for any and all dangers! Just you and the sand and sea. Need I say more?

4. Learn to Cook Something New

Shake up your tried-and-true meal rotation with a few new dishes — especially ones that you really want to eat. No more chicken fingers or pizza for a while. It's also surprisingly therapeutic to cook and create when you're by yourself.

Image Source: Unsplash / Jez Timms

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5. Develop a Nap Habit

Hey, they don't call it Summer siestas for nothing! Taking a 20-minute quality snooze in the middle of the day can rejuvenate you from the afternoon slump.

Image Source: Pexels / Burst

6. Catch Up on Netflix

The last time I binge-watched a show, I paid for it dearly when my children woke me up the next morning after I slept for only two hours (once I start, I can't stop!). But now that they're out of the house, fly through however many episodes your heart desires.

Image Source: Pexels / Jeshoots.com

7. Schedule Self-Care

Start to regularly schedule a manicure, pedicure, facial, haircut, or whatever it is that you always enjoy pampering yourself with but never get a chance to do.

8. Invite Friends to Al Fresco Luncheons

Look up that old friend that you've been meaning to see for months (or years?!), and make a plan for lunch. It doesn't necessarily have to be in the open air, but carve out time for those important friends who slip by too often.

Image Source: Pexels / Stokpic

9. Move Your Body on the Daily

This one goes without saying, but there's no better way to invest in yourself than to do it with your health. Find a way to be active regularly whether it's walking with a buddy or signing up for a yoga class.

Image Source: Pexels / mentatdgt

10. Pick Up a New Hobby

I recently met a 74-year-old lady at my son's music school who had recently begun taking piano classes after a lifetime of not getting around to it. We all have something we've always wanted to learn (or get better at), so use this Summer to reintroduce yourself to that forgotten interest.

11. Do a Financial Check-Up

OK, this doesn't sound very relaxing, but honestly, everyone should be doing this at least once a year (if not more). Sit down and sort out your finances, budgets, and bills. There's a strangely but deeply satisfying aftereffect of having your finances in order! Plus, once you get this out of the way, you'll be able to do all the other fun things on your list.

12. Declutter Your Life

Another one that doesn't seem fun on the surface but is so rewarding? Getting rid of visual clutter from your closets, drawers, and life in general. It isn't just a neglected chore but also an effective mood-altering way to get your Zen on. Plus, when you free up space, you make room for new decor items and clothes.

13. Plan Your Next Adventure

Just because you don't have the money to be on a Summer safari this year doesn't mean you can't make it happen eventually. Start planning a feasible trip for the future, and research your heart out building your dream itinerary.

14. Give Back

Volunteering and giving back to your community will not only enhance your feel-good endorphins but also cultivate generosity and gratefulness from within.

15. Play Hooky With Your Spouse

There's nothing more fun than doing something you're not supposed to be doing! Call in sick spontaneously, and laze around with your significant other all day . . . just don't post any evidence on Instagram!

Image Source: Pexels / Picjumbo.com

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