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Try to Make This Time Special

No one planned for this staycation, sure, but this forced family time – in which we likely can't even escape the walls of our apartment – is here whether we wanted it or not. If at all possible, I'm going to try to make the most of it. At the very least, I'm hoping that I can sit down and have lunch with my family most days – a habit I've always done in front of my computer screen. When my husband is working his shift, I'm going to try to do more than co-exist with my kiddos. I've downloaded new recipes and stocked up on baking supplies, so maybe we'll try chocolate chip bars one Tuesday afternoon when I'd otherwise be tapping away on my keyboard.

And if that feels too lofty a goal, just set a more reasonable expectation. Speaking from experience, 15 minutes of uninterrupted attention lavished onto your children goes a long way. I find they whine less and listen more when I stop every hour or so and give them a few solid minutes of dress-up time or a quick game of tag than when I just try to multitask the whole way through.

Image Source: Getty / 10'000 Hours