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Man Learns to Style His Wife's Hair After Her Stroke

This Man Learned to Style His Wife's Hair After Her Stroke, and I'm Not Crying, You Are

Proof that true love really exists... she can no longer style her hair herself and her husband insisted on learning how to do it for her step by step. From products, to the way you hold the brush and dryer...truly one of the best things I have been able to witness in my life. Brought tears to my eyes..what an amazing man and what a lucky woman. ❤️ Bless them

Posted by Raigen Kelley on Sunday, May 20, 2018

This piece of news is the one thing that's keeping me from deleting my Tinder and moving to a cabin located 100 miles away from the nearest man. A stylist at a salon in New Braunfels, TX, posted a video that shows a husband learning how to style his wife's hair after a stroke left her unable to do so. Get out the tissues, friends — this heartwarming clip will make you sob harder than you did when Noah told Allie he wrote her 365 letters.

As Babble reports, the man's name is Andrew, and he's been married to Theresa for over 45 years. The San Antonio, TX, couple are described as hardworking retirees who raised three children. One of the kids, Steve, told the site that the children got Theresa a gift certificate to The Foundry for Mother's Day.

She loved her blowout but was disappointed that she couldn't re-create it at home. To perk her up, Andrew took his wife back to The Foundry to purchase some products. That's when one of the stylists offered to give Andrew a lesson. As Steve said, "Instead of buying all the products, [the stylist] Andrea stepped in and said, 'Why don't I teach you how to do it?'"

Need further proof that Andrew is the epitome of a gentleman? Don't worry, it gets even better: per Babble, the former salesman asked that his family give credit to the professionals who helped him out. According to Steve, "My dad said, 'Don't make this about us. It's not about us — it's about the Foundry folks helping us out.'"

Glad I wore my waterproof mascara to work today. Ladies: get yourself an Andrew.

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