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Britney Spears Reenacts Pretty Woman on Instagram

Britney Spears Gave a Nod to an Iconic Julia Roberts Scene Like Only Britney Can

Is there anything as pure as the videos Britney Spears posts on Instagram? One day she's painting flowers on her balcony because "sometimes you just gotta play!!!!!!," another she's turning her hallway into a catwalk for a personal fashion show. The point is, she's our reigning Instagram queen, and she's proven yet again why she deserves the title with a pop culture reference we never saw coming. Sitting on what looks like a hotel balcony, Britney delighted rom-com fans everywhere by reenacting an iconic Pretty Woman scene. She sat on the balcony's ledge to channel Julia Roberts as Vivian, saying, "Edward, look! No hands, no hands!"

Image Source: Touchstone Pictures

An Oscar-worthy performance, and if you disagree, that's a big mistake. Big. Huge!

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