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Harry Styles "Falling" Dance Choreography | Video

Welp, This Dance Choreography For Harry Styles's "Falling" Just Emotionally Destroyed Me

If Harry Styles's music video for "Falling" had you choked up and reaching for tissues, you may want to mentally prepare before witnessing this dance set to the heartbreaking ballad. Choreographed and taught by Madeline Mihacevich, a Los Angeles native who appeared on season one of NBC's World of Dance, the sequence beautifully interprets and breathes life into the track's emotional lyrics. As Harry's angelic voice croons "I'm in my bed" over the speakers, the dancers lie on the floor, and later on, as Harry repeatedly sings about how he's "falling," they too fall back to the ground in the most graceful way possible. Above, watch a group of talented dancers at California's TMilly TV studio slay the breathtaking choreography Madeline taught them. Your heartstrings aren't ready for the tugging that's about to ensue.

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