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  • OK, so this is what we know about Gabriella Diaz: She's a driven San Francisco career woman! She loves the environment! She works with something called "grey water"! She enjoys virtual cycling and has a crappy boyfriend!
  • I googled "grey water," and apparently it has something to do with sewage. I have to hand it to the writers of this movie for not giving her the standard rom-com heroine job of magazine columnist.
  • Her nickname is Gabz. (Yes, with a z — I put on the subtitles to make sure.)
  • Side note: How does anyone watch movies without subtitles these days? Aren't you guys worried you might miss something? Don't you have loud neighbours who blast Ariana Grande at all hours of the day?!
  • Anyway, back to Gabz.
  • More on what we know about her: she's smart as hell, and she seems to be carrying her environmental waste company despite it being run by a group of useless frat bros — one of whom is actually named Chad, by the way — who show up late to her presentations and force her to eat all of the doughnuts (who hasn't that happened to?).
  • She also has a boyfriend, Dean, who seems noncommittal and is very much not into Gabriella's suggestion that they move in together despite each of them paying what I can only imagine is no less than $1 trillion a month for their respective San Francisco apartments. Get it together, Dean.
Image Source: Netflix