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2-Move Disc Slider Workout

These 2 Exercises Will Target the Muscles in Your Legs and Abs You Didn't Even Know You Had

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As much as I try to stay active, I tend to stick to the same types of workouts: Spinning, weight training, Rumble, and running on the treadmill. And even though I like the HIIT-style of training, the difficulty and style of training depends on which boutique studio I go to.

In an effort to get outside of my comfort zone and try something new, I took a HIIT class at Exhale Meatpacking, which offers barre and HIIT classes. Since I had two free classes at Exhale from the Get Fit package at the Gansevoort Meatpacking hotel (and I'm not a huge fan of barre), I figured I would try something new.

The class was an hour and consisted of a variety of stations, including a TRX, free weights, resistance bands, and disc sliders. Each station had two exercises, and each exercise was done for a full minute followed by 10 seconds of rest. We did the whole circuit two times through. Although each station provided a unique challenge, I was particularly sweaty and sore after the disc slider station.

We started with side lunges on the sliders, focusing on one leg per round (do the first minute on the left leg, then the second minute on the right leg). After that, we did a plank to bear, which also worked my abs. Since my core is the weakest part of my body, I especially felt that move.

Read through to see how to do each move. If you don't have a set of disc sliders ($10 on Amazon), feel free to use two towels on a hard surface or paper plates on carpet. Start with the side lunges for a full minute, then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the plank to bear for a full minute, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Do this four times through for a total of a little over nine minutes. This is great to add to your leg day workout or to incorporate into your own HIIT circuit.

Get ready to be sore and sweaty!

Glider Side Lunge

This exercise works the legs and glutes, but as you slide your leg back to centre, your inner thigh does all the work. You need a glider like the Valslide, but if you don't have one, just use the lid of a plastic container and do this move on a carpet. Or wear socks, and try it on a wood floor.

  • Stand with your feet a few inches apart, with your right foot on the glider. Make a fist with one hand, and cup your other hand over it. Keep your hands in front of your chest throughout the exercise to help you stay balanced.
  • Put weight into your left leg, and as you slowly bend your left knee and squat down, slide your right foot out to the side. Then as you slowly straighten your leg, slide the right foot back in. Most of your weight remains in the leg that's not moving.
  • Do as many reps as you can in one minute, followed by 10 seconds of rest.
  • On the second time through, switch legs.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography

Plank to Bear

This move is similar to the Bear on a megaformer.

  • Begin in plank position with a towel under the ball of each foot.
  • Slowly bend both knees in toward the chest while keeping the arms straight, shoulders over the wrists, and maintain a flat, tabletop back.
  • Maintain a stable upper body as you push your legs back to plank.
  • Do as many reps as you can in one minute, followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Ericka McConnell

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