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How to Improve Your At-Home Dance Workout Class

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How to Improve Your At-Home Dance Workout Class

How to Make Your At-Home Dance Workout Class a Success — and Incredibly Fun

You don’t have to sacrifice doing the things you love just because of your period. We’ve partnered with Tampax to show you can still get your body moving with the right products.

If viral videos on TikTok are any indication, everybody's caught the dance bug right now. Whether you're looking to brush up on some moves, boost your mood, or simply want a fun way to get a cardio burn, a dance workout class is the perfect way to get in on the action. Plus, with plenty of workout classes you can join virtually, you don't even need to leave the house or worry about feeling intimidated in front of others if you're a beginner. Thank you, internet!

But before you whip out the moves, there are a few things to keep in mind to make your at-home class a success. From carving out the right space to ensuring you have the best tools for maximum comfort, the right components can help you build your confidence and get you the most out of your experience.

1. Gear Up

The great thing about dance workout classes is that you don't need much, if anything, to get moving — just your body! That being said, there are a number of items you can consider to make your experience work for you. First, comfortable, breathable clothes that don't restrict your movements or require constant tugging or fussing are a must.

Depending on the type of dancing you'll be doing, additional gear might help your performance. For example, trainers with traction can help you nail those hard-hitting, high-impact hip hop moves, while socks or leg warmers that cover your feet can aid in the graceful footwork required of ballet-inspired moves. If your class requires a ballet barre, you can use the back of a chair. And if you want to make the workout more challenging, you could even wear wrist or ankle weights. Additionally, if you live in a flat above another one, consider putting down a yoga mat to help absorb the sound of your movements.

Image Source: Shutterstock

2. Find the Space and Time

Just a bit of furniture rearranging and you've got yourself a makeshift dance studio. Whether that means moving your coffee table to a different room or pushing your bed into the corner, try to create as much open floor space as possible. And if you're lucky enough to have flat outdoor space (with good WiFi connection, of course), even better!

Now that you've cleared a space, settle on the time of day that works best for you, depending on your body and goals. A morning class is good to get your blood flowing and heart pumping first thing, a lunchtime class can help break up your day and boost your mood, and an evening class can help you release pent-up energy.

Image Source: Shutterstock

3. Prep Your Body

Similar to making sure you have the proper gear, it's important to take a moment to check in with yourself and your body's needs. Are you hydrated and fueled? Are you properly warmed up? If you're on your period, do you have the right products?

Just five minutes of stretching ahead of a workout can help with flexibility and mobility, not to mention preventing injury. And if it's your time of the month, consider using Tampax Pearl Compak tampons to keep you comfortable and protected, even while you move. The MotionFit tampon gently expands to fit your body and adapts to every move, so you can do everything and feel nothing.

Image Source: Tampax

4. Join the Right Class

The virtual dance workout class you ultimately join can make or break your experience, so choose wisely! First, there's the type of dance to consider. Do you want something fun, fast, and sweaty with heart-pumping music? Or perhaps you're more of a mellow, fluid mover and prefer something that focuses on lean lines and toned arms. From there, select the right class level. You'll never regret joining a beginner class — even if you have dance experience — since it allows you to familiarise yourself with the instructor's style and pace. Lastly, think about how you usually like to learn. For example, joining a live-streamed class will force you to keep up with the instructor, similar to an IRL experience, while a prerecorded video allows you to pause, play, and replay as you please.

Image Source: Shutterstock

5. Get Social

Just because you're joining a class from home doesn't mean you can't get social. Gather your friends and plan to all join the same class at the same time for an extra layer of fun and excitement. You can stream the workout video on your laptop while Facetiming your friends on your phone. This way, you can still laugh with and encourage each other through the process. It's not quite the real deal, but it comes pretty close!

Image Source: Shutterstock

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