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Wide-Legged Forward Bend

This relaxing pose relieves tension from the lower back, cervical spine, and neck, Gruaz said, as it gently reverses the blood flow from your upper torso and brain. "Wide-Legged Forward Fold is an inversion that promotes grounding while releasing stress," she said. "The forward fold, accompanied by an exhale, cultivates the sense of letting go."

  • Stand facing the long edge of your mat, with your legs wider than your hips and your heels turned out wider than your toes.
  • Fold down from the hips, pressing into the outsides of your feet and keeping your inner arches lifted.
  • To increase the stretch, reach for your ankles and gently draw your chest towards your thighs.
  • For a more relaxed position, fold your arms and grab your opposite elbows, letting your body hang down.
  • Hold for 30 seconds.