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Habanero Dark Chocolate Brownies Recipe With Photos

This Dark Chocolate Habanero Brownie Recipe Brings the Heat


Looking to spice up your life? These dark chocolate habanero brownies could be the answer. Until recently, I hadn't considered adding habanero peppers to desserts. That changed during a trip to Trader Joe's, when an employee noticed I was purchasing a jar of crispy habaneros and suggested I throw them into brownies. Obviously, I asked a million follow-up questions about the sweet-and-spicy brownies, and though they didn't have a recipe for me, they assured me that with the help of some dark chocolate, the dessert was definitely worth making.

So with the blessing of my Trader Joe's guardian angel, I set out to create a recipe myself. After some experimentation, I found that I didn't love the texture of the crispy habaneros in my brownies. Determined to come up with something irresistible, I decided to push the jarred peppers aside and throw in minced habaneros instead. This is where the magic happened. The delicate and fine dice of the peppers melted into my decadent dark chocolate brownies seamlessly, providing the perfect mix of heat and sweet.

The best part? These sumptuous brownies are completely customizable! Feeling extra spicy? Throw in more habaneros. Prefer something more subtle? Dial the peppers back and dice them more finely. You can never lose when brownies are involved, so don't be afraid to make them your own. Read on for the full recipe ahead.


Rich Dark Chocolate Habanero Brownies

Original Recipe by Rachel Alger


Make sure to finely dice your habanero peppers so that they infuse your brownie batter perfectly.

Habanero Dark Chocolate Brownies Recipe With Photos


  1. 1 cup salted butter, melted
    ¾ cup granulated sugar
    ¾ cup brown sugar
    3 eggs
    2 tablespoons vanilla extract
    1 cup dark chocolate cocoa powder
    1 cup flour
    10 ounces of a dark chocolate bar, broken into pieces
    4 ounces of a dark chocolate bar, broken into squares for topping
    1 small habanero pepper, minced


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F.
  2. Line your pan with parchment paper and set aside.
  3. Cream melted butter with sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla until smooth.
  4. Sift in dark chocolate cocoa powder and flour, and mix together.
  5. Add in 10 ounces of dark chocolate, broken into pieces by hand
  6. Add in minced habanero pepper (more or less depending on spice tolerance) and fold in ingredients.
  7. Pour batter into pan, and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until an inserted toothpick comes out mostly clean.
  8. Top brownies with additional squares of chocolate, and allow to cool.
  9. Serve and enjoy!

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Rachel Alger