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Best Instagram Accounts to Follow to Help With Grief

11 Instagram Accounts That Can Help You Through Grief

There are many different ways to process grief, and it's important to find what works for you and makes you feel understood. Leaning on family and friends for support is great for some, meditation or exercise works well for others, and some people enjoy sitting down with a good book and leaving their current reality for a little while.

One unexpected thing that's made a difference in my personal grieving process has been following Instagram accounts that speak to what I'm going through. When my grief was the heaviest, all I could do was lie in bed and try to distract myself with social media, but seeing everyone living their best life started to make me feel worse. This is when I started following accounts that would leave gentle reminders on my feed that it's OK to feel it all and take as long as I need to feel better again. If you're in the same boat, keep reading to see some of the accounts that helped me get through and hopefully find one that speaks to you, too.

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