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Mom With Son on Life Support Is Told She Can't Take Time Off

A Mom Called Out of Work Because Her Son's on Life Support, and Her Boss Said No to Her "Drama"

Mom With Son on Life Support Is Told She Can't Take Time Off
Image Source: Unsplash / rawpixel

Most employers tend to be pretty sympathetic to their employees' time off needs, especially in the case of an emergency, death in the family, or a tragic event. Unfortunately for Crystal Reynolds Fisher, that isn't the experience she had with her manager at PS Food Mart, Folk Oil Co., Dawn. With her 18-year-old son on life support after running a 104-degree fever, Crystal's life was suddenly turned upside-down, and she looked to her boss for sympathy — but got no such thing.

In a post that's now going viral, Crystal shared screen grabs of her and Dawn's conversation on Facebook, in which a completely insensitive Dawn basically fires Crystal over her "drama." Crystal wrote on Facebook: "So my son is on life support and I tell my boss 48 hours before I am to work again that I will not be able to work until my son is off life support, and this is what she tells me!"

However, it's Dawn who should be sorry for shaming a mother in need of compassion, as someone on PS Food Mart's corporate Facebook informed the public that the company had responded to the situation by choosing to terminate Dawn for her heartless behaviour. See the full conversation between Crystal and Dawn — and PS Food Mart's swift response to it all — below.

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