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Don't Structure Your Whole Day Around Your Child's Naps

Are all naps created equal? Not exactly, but don't think that a nap in the stroller or car seat is necessarily a bad thing — it may be better! "All of us like the rhythmic sound of the ocean, so if you nap in a totally quiet room by yourself flat, that's actually missing the rhythmic component that allows us to get better, deeper sleep," Dr. Karp explains. "A lot of babies will get better sleep when they're in a stroller, a car seat, a carrier. It's counterintuitive."

In terms of planning to give your tot a nap on the run, Dr. Karp encourages moms to do what they have to do. "It's just not practical structuring your whole day around your child's naps. But you do have to give them an environment that will encourage that sleep," he says. "Some people who have to be out with their kid in the stroller will use their iPhone, a white noise app, or I've had people bring an electric toothbrush and stick it in the stroller."