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What to Know Before Getting a Hedgehog

Thinking About Getting a Pet Hedgehog? Here's What You Need to Know

What to Know Before Getting a Hedgehog
Image Source: Pexels / Pixabay

If you have you ever stopped your Instagram scroll to admire a particularly cute, pointy and quill-crowned face, you may have also considered the possibility of getting a pet hedgehog yourself. Because they aren't exactly the most common pet (they may, however, be one of the most adorable), it can be difficult to imagine if a pet hedgehog is right for you or know how to adequately prepare yourself to be an exotic pet owner.

POPSUGAR spoke to veterinarians specialising in exotics to get their feedback on hedgehogs as pets and ask how pet-owners can prepare before bringing home their prickly new addition. These are some of their important consideration points.

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