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Students Create Free Pep-Talk Hotline Called Peptoc

I Called the Viral Hotline Led by Kindergarteners and Got The Best Pep Talk Ever

Children in Classroom

In today's news of things-too-cute-not-to-share, kindergarten students at Westside school in Healdsburg, CA, recently created a free hotline called Peptoc. The service is available to call whenever you're in need of some words of affirmation — and yes, it's the students themselves providing the inspirational advice.

You may have seen the pink graphic floating around on social media recently, but if you a) haven't seen it or b) haven't dialed in yet, here's how it works. After calling the phone number 707-998-8410, you'll be given some choices depending on the type of day you're having.

"If you're feeling mad, frustrated or nervous, press one. If you need words of encouragement and life advice, press two. If you need a pep-talk from kindergartners, press three. If you need to hear kids laughing with delight, press four. For encouragement in Spanish, press five."

Because I woke up this morning still feeling the effects of daylight saving time (which, by the way, just needs to be cancelled), I decided to go with option three.

"You can do it" the kids shouted together. "Keep trying, don't give up."

And if that isn't enough to get me through my already-running-late morning, I don't know what is.

The public art project started in early February with the help of teachers Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss, as reported in NPR. "I thought, you know, with this world being as it is, we all really needed to hear from them — their extraordinary advice and their continual joy," Martin tells NPR. And according to CBS News, Peptoc is now on the receiving end of upward of 9,000 calls per hour.

So if you accidentally spilled your coffee this morning, forgot to do your daily affirmations in the mirror, or just really are in need of some toddler giggles, Peptoc will 1000 percent be your remedy. I don't know what's better advice than "If you're sad, eat a cookie."

If you want to thank the students for the ultimate uplifting vibes, you can support the program's hotline fees by donating here.