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Beauty Treatments to Book in the Winter

7 Beauty Appointments You Should Always Book in Winter

Beauty Treatments to Book in the Winter

There's no way around it: cold Winters can drastically impact hair, skin, and bodies. Whether experiencing an overly dry exterior or retaining more volume in order to keep warm in freezing temperatures, the chilliest season of the year ultimately affects the products we use, and our beauty routines, too.

Instead of soaking in the sun and applying bronzer, we apply blush. Rather than lathering on sunscreen (which we should do all year), we cover our extremities with layers. Even though we enjoy our bright wardrobes, lighter coloured nails, sunnier weather, and more hours spent outdoors, the days of snowy and cooler climates shouldn't be wasted.

Instead of hanging inside by the fire or binge-watching Netflix, there are more productive ways to enhance your Winter beauty regimen — specifically the appointments you should always make before Spring rolls around.

While you're perfectly beautiful just the way you are, if you do opt for treatments, here are the ones to book in the Winter months!

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