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10-Minute Bodyweight Ab Workout

I Love This Intense 10-Minute Ab Workout Because I Don't Need to Get Off the Floor!

10-Minute Bodyweight Ab Workout
Image Source: Getty / bymuratdeniz

A strong core isn't just about looking lean. I need it to run fast, lift heavy, and effortlessly hold a handstand. This is the 10-minute ab workout I've been doing a few nights a week while catching up on Netflix. I love that it's short, effective, and easy to remember since it's just five moves. Best of all, I don't even need to get off the floor!

10-Minute Bodyweight Ab Workout

Equipment needed: none

Directions: After a five-minute dynamic warmup, do 50 seconds of each of the moves ahead, followed by a 10-second transition to get into position for the next exercise. Repeat twice. After the workout, be sure to stretch your abs by doing Cobra pose. If you need more details on each exercise, see the instructions ahead.

10-Minute Home Ab Workout
Elbow plank with hip dips
Diamond sit-ups
Side plank dips
Hip raise with leg extension

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