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BBG Trainer Says to Stop Weighing Yourself

This BBG Trainer Wants You to Ditch Your Scale and Do This Instead

If you have a complicated relationship with your scale, SWEAT trainer and creator of the PWR Workout Program Kelsey Wells is the fitness guru you need in your life — she's an advocate of the "screw the scale" hashtag on Instagram. We spoke to her recently and found her perspective to be quite refreshing. She told POPSUGAR, "I don't ever weigh myself unless I have a doctor's appointment. I don't get body scans. I don't know my body fat percentage. I just exercise for health and to feel good." Amen to that!

She's not a fan of the body mass index (BMI) either. She explained, "I don't think BMI is always accurate. When I first started my journey postpartum, I weighed 145 pounds, and today I weigh 145 pounds. I am so much healthier now. I was completely sedentary at the start of my journey, and now I'm the opposite; but according to my BMI, I'm the exact same."

Instead, she motivates herself by setting fitness goals. Kelsey said she finds that mastering new, challenging exercises or lifting heavier weights at the gym are both more inspiring to her than a number on the scale. She's a fan of taking progress photos so you can see the changes rather than measuring them with a scale or percent. We can't help but be inspired by her transformation photo.

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