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Chrissy Teigen's Diet and Exercise Routine

Chrissy Teigen Gets Real About Her Exercise Routine and Diet — Girl, We Can Relate

There's a lot of things we love about Chrissy Teigen, and her transparency is at the top of the list. You can always count on Chrissy to keep it real, whether she's talking about politics, sharing her postpartum mesh underwear, or just cooking naked.

In the October issue of Women's Health, Chrissy talked about her new cookbook, taking care of her mental health, and appreciating and loving her new body, and she dished on her diet and exercise routine.

Chrissy isn't one to drink bogus teas to lose weight, follow fad workouts, or obsess over how many calories she's eating. Instead, she's approaching health and wellness her way, and we're here for it.

Image Source: Getty / Mike Marsland

Her Breakfast

Since Chrissy is still nursing her son, Miles, her diet is centreed around helping her produce more milk. For breakfast, she has a savory oat lactation porridge with mushrooms and a poached egg.

Simone said, "Chrissy is a pro at jumping rope." When it comes to her workouts, Chrissy said, "Sometimes I think I'm the weakest person, but I can plank for 20 minutes." We're impressed.

Chrissy shared a video last year of her trying AcroYoga, and said her instructor was "the most patient human in the world." We're not sure if Chrissy kept up with the fitness practice, but it looked like fun!

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