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Jada Pinkett Smith's Plank to Pike Ab Video on Instagram

My Abs Are Already Sore From Watching Jada Pinkett Smith Do This Intense Plank Variation

Planks are one of those exercises that never seem to get easier no matter how often I do them and I'm OK with that — I like a challenge! One of my favourite, dynamic plank variations is the plank to pike because it simultaneously challenges core stability and strength, and I always feel it working after a few reps.

Jada Pinkett Smith likes this move too, and showed us how to perfectly execute it in a recent video she posted on her Instagram. If you're looking for new ab exercises that require absolutely no equipment, this one should definitely be on your list. Grab a pair of socks and get ready to work! Smith makes it look easy but trust me when I say, you're going to be shaking by the fifth rep.

Check out Smith's form in the video above, and if you're up for a challenge, try the plank to pike out for yourself.

Image Source: Getty / Dan MacMedan
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