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How Tiffany Stays Motivated

From the very beginning of her weight-loss journey, Tiffany's husband has been 100 percent there alongside every step. "Having someone next to me who I could trust and lean on when things got hard was absolutely essential to staying the course. And having someone to celebrate successes with made the victories way more fun and meaningful for me!"

"The community at Parakaleo CrossFit has been an unbelievable force that has continued to push me and motivate me day in and day out," Tiffany said. Their early acceptance when she was at her heaviest was what gave Tiffany the courage to get started. Their unwavering encouragement is what makes training with them her favorite thing in the world.

"A completely unexpected result of losing 145 pounds has been that I have become a picture of hope for so many women in my CrossFit community, and I have gotten to connect with people in a very real way, to encourage them the way that so many others have encouraged me." Helping people reach their health and fitness goals motivates Tiffany more than anything because it reminds her that we all have the strength and ability to change anything that we want to change.

Tiffany shared that truthfully, her results have also been a really big motivator. "From the very beginning, when I saw changes, even if the changes were small, it made me believe that change was possible." Small successes like getting to buy jeans in a smaller size invigorated her and helped her see that any sacrifices she was making were worth it.

"When I started using the RP templates, they were restrictive, and they demanded that I be accountable to weighing and measuring and timing out my meals, but the results were immediate! My body responded, and the weight came off," Tiffany said. So when temptations to cheat came up or life got stressful and it would have been easy to make an excuse and quit the restrictive protocol, she was able to fight through, knowing that if she didn't quit, she was going to lose the weight.

Image Source: Tiffany Head