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How to Make Whole Foods's Brown Butter Cookie Latte

TikTok Found a DIY Dupe For the Viral Whole Foods Brown Butter Cookie Latte

ice coffee

When it's all sold out, just make it at home: TikTok already hacked the recipe for the Whole Foods seasonal brown butter cookie latte shortly after it went viral. (This comes as no surprise.) The drink — which one user described as "the perfect mix of sweet and coffee flavour" — has consistently sold out across locations for months now, and with fall approaching, we have a sneaking suspicion demand won't be slowing down anytime soon. The exact recipe comes courtesy of a very generous Whole Foods coffee bar employee, and all it takes is good espresso and a unique combination of syrups.

As TikTok creator and Whole Foods barista Madeline Elyse explained in an Aug. 10 TikTok, there actually isn't any brown butter cookie syrup in the beverage at all. The warm cookie taste is created by mixing pumpkin and caramel syrups together. For complete at-home accuracy, Whole Foods uses 1883 syrups, many of which you can find on Amazon.

The other secret to Whole Foods's great-tasting latte is the quality of their espresso beans. "Our espresso beans are amazing. Like they should not be this good for a grocery store coffee shop, but the Allegro brand is so delicious," Elyse said. "I think that's why [the brown butter cookie latte] went viral, not because of even the flavour, but because of the coffee and how good it is."

To make the popular drink at home, start by combining the 1883 pumpkin pie and caramel syrups. Exact measurements vary, but most recipes add about 1.5 tablespoons (three pumps) of the pumpkin flavouring and one tablespoon (two pumps) of the caramel flavouring for a 16 oz. drink. Brew two shots of your favourite espresso (use the Allegro brand's espresso Basque for the quintessential Whole Foods taste), and mix everything together. Drink hot or iced, and top with approximately 6 oz. of your preferred milk.

Try the recipe yourself and enjoy brown butter cookie lattes year-round.

Copycat Whole Foods Brown Butter Cookie Latte

TikTok user @foodieeshh


According to Whole Foods coffee bar employee Madeline Elyse, Whole Foods uses the Allegro brand’s espresso Basque for their coffee, and 1883 syrups for the sweet taste. The exact espresso can be purchased at your local Whole Foods, and most 1883 syrups are available on Amazon.

How to Make Whole Foods's Brown Butter Cookie Latte


  1. 1.5 tablespoons of 1883 pumpkin pie syrup
    1 tablespoon of 1883 caramel syrup
    2 espresso shots
    6 oz. milk of choice
    Ice (optional)


  1. Combine the pumpkin and caramel syrups (can add more or less depending on the desired amount of sweetness).
  2. Brew two espresso shots of your choice.
  3. In a glass, mix together well.
  4. Fill the glass with your favorite milk.
  5. Add ice, if desired.
  6. Enjoy!
Image Source: Getty / Anna Mardo