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How to Reduce Dust in Your House

8 Things You Can Do Right Now to Limit Dust in Your Home


Dust is an annoying, but almost unavoidable, fact of life. No matter how many times a week we clean our homes top to bottom, we can never seem to curb the amount of those tiny particles in the air and all over our things. Dust isn't just unsightly though — it can cause allergies and make it harder for you to breathe. But don't give up on your battle against it just yet. While you can't get rid of it completely, these cleaning tools and tricks can help you prevent it from taking over your living space.

Wash Your Bedsheets

Few of us actually wash our bedsheets as often as we should, but laundering your sheets regularly can help you limit the amount of dust in your home. Dust is made up partly of dead skin cells, which unfortunately your bedsheets are probably full of. Try to wash your sheets at least once a week to keep those dust particles from getting into the air and spreading throughout the rest of your home.

Use A HEPA Filter Vacuum

The type of vacuum you use can really make a difference in how clean your home is. If you don't have the right vacuum, you could be cleaning every day and still have a dusty home. Vacuums with HEPA filters are the best options for sucking up dust and trapping it. If you really want to limit your home's dust, vacuum carpets and rugs twice a week, or more if you have pets.

Mop Floors and Wipe Down Surfaces

Some dusters just don't trap dust, instead they move it around and send it flying into the air. For hard floors, even a mop dampened with water will help eliminate more dust than some dusters. And make sure you're wiping down surfaces like tabletops and counters with amicrofibre cloth, as these are designed to attract and trap dirt and dust. A damp microfibre cloth is dust's worst nightmare.

Vacuum Upholstery

The upholstered furniture and decor in your home aren't just magnets for dust, they also produce it. Upholstery fibres can be sent into the air every time you sit on your furniture, adding to the dust particles around. Vacuuming your upholstery regularly can help keep loose fibres out of the air.

Get An Air Purifier

On a bright and sunny day, you may notice that the air in your home is full of floating dust particles, especially if you live in an older home. To combat those dust particles, consider an air purifier. It can help prevent the dust in your home from settling on surfaces, limiting the amount of cleaning you have to do. A good air purifier will also clean the air of chemicals, bacteria, mold, and even pet hair.

Change Furnace Filters

If your home and have a furnace, you already have a powerful air purifier — assuming you replace your furnace filters regularly. Furnace filters can help stop dust particles before they even enter your home's living areas, but they can become clogged after a few months of use. Replace or clean your furnace filters every Winter season so they continue to work the way they're supposed to.

Limit Your Clutter

One of the best ways to attract dust is to fill your home with clutter. Clutter, whether it's knickknacks or piles of books and papers, makes it harder to clean, trapping more dust in your home. Items like throw pillows and blankets can also produce lots of dust and trap it as well, so you should consider limiting the amount of cosy accessories in your living room and bedroom.

Keep Windows and Doors Closed

When the weather's nice, there's nothing better than throwing open your windows and doors to get some fresh air in — or so you thought. In fact, keeping your windows and doors open can increase the amount of dust, allowing dirt particles from outside to enter your house.

Bathe Pets Often

There are lots of reasons to bathe your pets regularly, from keeping them healthy to keeping your home clean. Pets can be the cause of a lot of dust thanks to their fur, skin, and dander, so be sure to wash your cat or dog often to keep those particles out.

Image Source: Unsplash / Brina Blum
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