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Boy and Wheelchair-Bound Woman Save Drowning Child

13-Year-Old Boy and Wheelchair-Bound Woman Rescue a Drowning Child in Miraculous Team Effort

In a miraculous tag-team effort, an unlikely pair managed to save the life of a 12-year-old boy from drowning — and it was all caught on camera.

The boy, named Evan, was swimming at an apartment complex pool in Rochester, MN, with five friends when he slipped under the water, disappearing without a sound.

That's when observant 13-year-old Cody Runyon noticed he was missing. "There were six people, and I looked around, and there was five," he said. "I went underwater, and all of a sudden I see him just lying on the ground . . . passed out."

The 80-pound teen rushed to the bottom of the pool and summoned his strength to pull the unconscious boy to the shallow end.

That's when Desiree Pasko stepped in. Evan's neighbour, Desiree, suffers from a severe case of fibromyalgia and can barely walk, but those watching the pool's surveillance footage wouldn't have any idea of her disability, or that she was sitting in a wheelchair off screen. She ran to the edge of the pool and helped pull him out.

She recalled that Evan was "limp as can be, and the way his head is moving, it's shaking and his face is being dragged through the water . . . He was so tiny in that moment, and he was blue, and he was cold, and he was wet, and he was clearly deceased."

Nonetheless, she immediately began performing CPR, a skill she somehow retained 10 years after taking a course. After a few rounds of compressions, Evan vomited water, and Desiree remembers yelling, "He's alive!"

Evan was certainly lucky to have both Cody and Desiree by his side. As she said: "Watching a boy go from totally blue to a little bit pink is a rewarding feeling."

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