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Mom's Measles Warning

This Mom's Terrifying Measles Warning Is the Reminder Parents Need to Vaccinate Their Kids

Mom's Measles Warning
Image Source: Facebook / Jilly Moss

Jilly Moss, a mom from the UK, recently took to social media to share her infant daughter Alba's experience with the measles. After the concerned mother explained that Alba came down with the illness because she's too young to be vaccinated, she warned parents that measles is far more than "just a rash."

"Posting these heartbreaking images of our beautiful baby girl who contracted MEASLES is extremely difficult, we are still in hospital eight days after being admitted," she wrote on Facebook. "She was too young for her MMR vaccination when she got sick which meant she has had to fight this killer virus with no immunity. Measles is not 'just a rash.' It can cause blindness, encephalitis, and pneumonia . . . Get your children vaccinated."

The panicked mom went on to explain that, generally, the measles vaccine doesn't cause adverse effects. "The MMR does not cause life-threatening issues like measles does," she wrote. "Your babies might feel under the weather for a day or so but believe me, you'd accept that over what we have been through."

As a parent, seeing Alba fight off this preventable disease has been utterly traumatic for Jilly. "It has been absolutely horrific watching our daughter fight this with her eyes swollen shut for four days," she explained. "She has been in the dark, scared, with a high fever that lasted for over two weeks. In hospital she has been scanned, X-Rayed, poked, prodded, bloods taken, lumbar punctures done . . . swabs taken . . . tube fed, on a drip, oxygen, pumped full of drugs, anti-inflammatory pain relief. Antibiotics, you name it she's had it. The truth is this all could have been prevented if the protection layer of older kids above Alba had been vaccinated."

In an update on April 29, Jilly shared that little Alba's health has taken a positive turn and she is recovering well. But despite her good fortune, the mom is urging other parents to educate themselves about both vaccinations and the measles in general. "I hope we can carry on raising awareness of how dangerous this virus can be to young and vulnerable babies and people! It's such a controversial subject, there are many many views on it. The main thing is we are talking about it and we are educating ourselves."

Ahead, you'll find all the photos Jilly shared on Facebook to serve as an eye-opening warning to parents who are on the fence about getting their children immunized.

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