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Quickest Way to Take Down Christmas Tree Decorations

OMG, You Are Going to Wish You Saw This Mom's Hack Before Taking Down Your Christmas Tree

I love putting up my Christmas tree at the start of the holiday season, but the idea of taking it down? Ugh. I put it off and put it off, and by the time I finally start the process, it seems never-ending. Prying each ornament off the branches requires a delicate touch, wrapping them all up takes forever, and I inevitably tangle all the garland into a giant knot as I try to unravel it from around the tree.

It makes me question why I go through the effort to put it up every year.

Well, another parent felt the same way and figured out a solution to the annual tree-detrimming torture.

Renae Krivitz, a mom of two from Minnesota, shared her "new time-saving Christmas tree invention" on Facebook, and warning: if you already took your tree down this year, you're about to become very, very jealous.

The method? Simply wrap it up with some professional-grade cling film and store it!

A few caveats to note: this only works with artificial trees, and it's only possible if you've got a home with a storage room big enough to plop a full-size tree into for 11 months out of the year. You also might feel a little guilty when it comes time to put up the tree next year, and you discover that instead of thoughtfully hanging up meaningful ornaments with your family, you are simply hoisting it up some stairs and cutting away the clear wrapping.

But to that, I say: remember when your kids got bored after getting a sum total of three ornaments out of the box? Yeah, wrap that sucker up.

Image Source: Facebook user Renae Krivitz
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