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Watch Sandy Hook Promise's Back-to-School PSA

A Back-to-School PSA From Sandy Hook Promise Depicts a Horrifying Reality

Warning: the content in this video depicts school shooting violence and may be triggering for some.

A new public service announcement about gun violence and the start of a new school year addresses a tragically too-common fear for many parents and students. On Sept. 17, Sandy Hook Promise, a nonprofit organisation consisting of Newtown, CT, community members, released its sobering Back-to-School Essentials video, which quickly received over 30,000 views on YouTube.

In the video, upbeat students are shown describing their back-to-school purchases. The tone begins to change, however, as a student is shown running through the hallway explaining, "These new sneakers are just what I need for the new year." Several others are then shown having to use various everyday items to protect themselves in a shooting, including one student who is forced to fashion her sock into a tourniquet.

The video is the latest in a series from Sandy Hook Promise called "Know the Signs," which illustrates the importance of recognising early warnings and signs to prevent the possibility of a school shooting. Released in 2016, the organisation's first PSA, "Evan," went viral and currently has over 11 million views.

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