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A Spiritual-Bath For the New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse

This New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse Baño Will Help You Shift Your Reality


Are you feeling the energetic shifts of Aries season? Following last month's New Moon in Aries, we embark on yet another Aries New Moon, a rare phenomenon known as a Double New Moon. The energy created from consecutive New Moons in Aries can feel earth-shattering with huge shifts underway. It can also bring on subtle yet hugely impactful changes that shift your life in wonderfully unexpected ways, even if it doesn't feel so great at the time. Be patient— the Universe has big plans for you.

Now, add a solar eclipse in the mix and you're in for an interesting ride. The last Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse took place in 2015. So, it may be a good idea to reflect on where you were in your life the last time around and how far you have come. Congratulate yourself for your wins and losses because lessons are held within both. Remember not to harp on the past, so a quick rewind is all you need to bring yourself to the present and forge ahead in cultivating the life you were destined to live.

As the second Aries New Moon rolls around, reinforce the intentions you set during March's new moon in Aries and continue building upon them. Push through self-doubt. Breathe into the endless possibilities of where life can take you. This life is grand and we often imagine it in a small, safe space, instead of the expansive, unpredictable, profoundly joyous journey it can truly become. You are living proof that magic exists. The moon and its cycles are a reminder to us that we too are an ebb and flow of constant change.

Aries is the beginning. It is the first zodiac sign and the first fire sign. It brings an unapologetic newness to the table that is up for grabs if we want it. So, buckle up. Change doesn't come easy, but the results can be bigger than your biggest most colourful dream.

When Is the 2023 New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse?

The New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse takes place on Apr. 20 at 12:12 a.m. EST. This rare hybrid eclipse combines the energies of an annular eclipse and a total eclipse, which brings a ring of fire around the sun and a complete obstruction of the sun, respectively. Astrologically, this symbolizes massive shifts, which also reflects energetically in our lives.

What Is the Meaning of the 2023 New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse?

Aries is the fire starter. The provoker of change. The spark that lights the fire within us all. Aries season is go-season. With back-to-back Aries New Moons, we've been handed the opportunity to really see ourselves for ourselves and level the hell up. Always love yourself and be kind to yourself along the journey because we all know it can be a bumpy ride. But listen closely and keep your eyes open to the signs because the Universe has interesting ways of nudging us when we need it most.

During the Aries New Moon, you can wish for new beginnings and courage. With this new moon, you can focus on yourself. How are you? What do you need? What sets your soul on fire? What is your greatest desire?

Imagine you're standing at the starting line of the biggest race of your life. You have the fire of Aries to back you and the power of the New Moon to set your intentions on ways to elevate and continue shining all the way to the finish line.

Ready, set, go!

What Is the Spiritual Cleansing Prayer to Say During April's New Moon in Aries?

Dear God, show me the way. I close my eyes and trust you to lead me blindly on the path that is righteously mine. I know challenges and obstacles are merely pathways to my greatness, and I lean on you when it becomes too difficult to bear alone. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. Thank you to my benevolent ancestors, who continue to cheer me on. So be it.

Which Tarot Card Goes Well With April's New Moon in Aries?

The Emperor: No matter when the new or full moon falls in the sign of Aries, the Emperor tarot card will also be the best representative of the zodiac's loyal leader.

Which Chakra Goes With April's New Moon in Aries?

Solar Plexus or Manipura: Represented by the colour yellow, this chakra is the centre of our willpower and self-worth. Aries fire burns brightly to remind us of the warrior within.

Spiritual-Bath Recipe For April's New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse Baño


Sea Salt

Blood Dragon Sage

Florida Water or Agua de Florida

Parsley, Spearmint, or Coriander herbs

Black Onyx, Carnelian, or Red Jasper crystals

Thistles or Red Tulips

Red candle

Jasmine, Rosemary, Ginger, or Lemon essential oil


1. Begin by opening up the windows in your home as you burn the sage and allow the smoke to waft around your space, cleansing it of negative and stagnant energy. Remember to also circle yourself with the smoke and give thanks for the sacred plant.

2. Next, fill your clean bathtub with warm water and add 2 cups of sea salt. Mix the salt into the warm water using your hands and set your intentions as you do so.

3. Add a few good splashes of Florida Water and several drops of essential oil into the water and continue mixing with your hands.

4. Add handfuls of the herbs of your choice and thank our plant companions for their medicine.

5. Cover the top of the baño water with flower petals. Sing, give thanks, and speak out your Aries New Moon intentions.

6. Save some of the flowers to place in a vase in your bathroom or in an area you can rest following your baño. Surround the vase with crystals and place the red candle nearby.

7. Before lighting your candle, place your hands over your heart chakra (the centre of your chest) and take three deep inhales and exhale through your nose. With each inhale set an intention, and with each exhale, set it free to the cosmos.

8. Soak in your bath for 20 to 40 mins and believe that you are the magic you are. Set your frequency at an all-time high so any limiting beliefs can be left far behind.

Image Source: Unsplash/Lua Coralina
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