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What It's Like Being on the Cusp of 2 Zodiac Signs

9 Things Only People on the Cusp of 2 Zodiac Signs Will Understand

What It's Like Being on the Cusp of 2 Zodiac Signs
Image Source: Pexels / Pixabay

As if life wasn't confusing enough, imagine the life of a zodiac cusp — someone who is born three to four days before or after the signs transition. Sound confusing? Tell me about it. Being on the cusp of two zodiac signs would be classified as any of the following: Capricorn-Aquarius, Aquarius-Pisces, Pisces-Aries, Aries-Taurus, Taurus-Gemini, Gemini-Cancer, Cancer-Leo, Leo-Virgo, Virgo-Libra, Libra-Scorpio, Scorpio-Sagittarius, and Sagittarius-Capricorn. People who identify as cusp may see themselves as being unique within their sun sign.

While having the best of both worlds is often celebrated, try being on the cusp of two zodiac signs that uphold separate characteristics and personality traits. My life as a Capricorn-Aquarius cusp includes the urge to live a responsible yet spontaneous life! Perplexing much? If you're on the cusp like me, or just find yourself constantly identifying with more than one sign, keep reading for 9 reasons why it isn't always ideal (and for some ways to overcome all of that!).

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