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Riverdale Archie and Betty GIFs

Why It's OK to Ship Archie and Betty on Riverdale

Riverdale Archie and Betty GIFs
Image Source: The CW

Riverdale can get pretty dramatic, but nothing gets fans more riled up than their favourite couples. While last season was all about Archie and Veronica's and Jughead and Betty's love stories, it seems like the tables might be turning this time by bringing Betty and Archie together again — and honestly, I'm not mad about it. Hear me out: at the beginning of season one, I was a hardcore "Bughead" and "Varchie" shipper just like everyone else, but as this season has progressed, "Barchie" has grown on me. Not only is their romance an epic part of the comics, but it's also obvious that they share a special connection. Whether those sparks start a flame or slowly fizzle out, we'll just have to wait and see. Until then, keep reading for reasons a Betty and Archie romance actually makes sense.

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