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30-Minute Full-Body Resistance Band Workout

You Only Need 1 Resistance Band to Get In a Full-Body Burn With This 30-Minute Workout

When you think of strength training, you probably think of heavy dumbbells and kettlebells. And while lifting weights is one way to strengthen and tone your muscles, you can also get in a good calorie-burning, muscle-strengthening workout with just one long resistance band.

NASM-certified personal trainers Julius White and LaToya Johnson, who run One Body LA and have a popular fitness YouTube channel called Juice & Toya, shared this 30-minute workout that aims to target your whole body and get you sweating. For this workout, you'll need one long loop resistance band (like these pull-up assist and resistance bands), a mat, and a little bit of space to move. They'll lead you through moves like reverse lunges, overhead presses, and front squats to fire up all your muscles. This workout is perfect for small spaces or if you have minimal equipment. So grab your resistance band (or order one off Amazon) and get to work!

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