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Kelsey Wells Cardio Tabata

Out of Ideas For Cardio? Try Kelsey Wells's Full-Body Tabata Workout

Tabata kind of sounds like fancy Italian baked goods you order at brunch — "Can I have some Tabata bread for my butter please?" — you know, similar to focaccia. But Tabata, in case you're unaware, is a form of high-intensity interval training that's focussed on intervals of 20-second maximum performance followed by 10-second periods of rest. Each exercise is traditionally done for eight rounds, totaling four minutes.

NASM-certified personal trainer Kelsey Wells told Greatist that she likes to incorporate "Tabata-style workouts" into her PWR Program because it's a "quick yet effective option" for her clients. Kelsey just posted one of these Tabata workouts on Instagram, and it's a no-equipment, full-body cardio session she describes as "SHORT and SWEATY." Read through the instructions below.

Kelsey Wells Cardio Tabata

Instead of eight rounds, Kelsey says to do three to five rounds of each exercise. Use intervals of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest:

We suggest using a Tabata timer to help you keep track of when you're working and when you're resting (you'll be able to customize the number of rounds in the app's "settings" tab). If you want more Tabata from Kelsey Wells, try this 20-minute arms and abs workout. Now go get some Italian bread!

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